Panel expert meeting | How to give impulse to new investments - experience of Poland and Great Britain with the capacity market



The capacity market as we know it is about to end. From 1 July 2025 it will no longer be able to support coal-fired capacity. Together with rising CO2 emission allowance prices, changes in the power industry are accelerating, and we need a discussion: how to ensure security of supply by 2030, how to fill the coal gap and how to reduce emissions cost effectively. In this context, an important question is whether the capacity market still makes sense, what are the alternatives or how to change it so that it fulfils its role. The Polish energy system needs new capacities, low-carbon sources, DSR, storage and renewable sources.

12:00 - 12:05

Aleksandra Dziadykiewicz, Forum Energii

12:05 - 12:40
Experiences from the British capacity market and lessons for Poland

Joanna Maćkowiak-Pandera, Forum Energii

12:40 - 14:00
Commentary and discussion

During the discussion, together with a group of experts representing various institutions and backgrounds, we discussed whether the capacity market may support decarbonisation of the power sector, how to ensure security of energy supplies through the capacity market, and how to encourage investment in new sources. The starting point was the experience with the British capacity market and lessons for Poland. 

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The Chatham House policy means that participants are free to use the information they receive without disclosing their personal information or affiliating to speakers or other participants. 

Related content

  • Capacity market arrangements in Great Britain - lessons learnt for Poland

  • Capacity market for review | Analysis of the results of three auctions
